Alcohol Vapor to Improve Weed Potency

Many discoveries are made by accident and this is one of them.

Quite simply, the effect of isopropal alcohol vapor on weed is it breaks open the trichomes creating the same compounds as a press.


Simply put your weed in a jar, use a 25ml beaker and fold up a paper towel and stuff it inside the beaker. Add some alcohol to make the paper towel wet and it will act like a wick. Place the beaker inside on top of the weed but don’t let the paper towel directly touch any weed. Close the lid and leave in for 24 hrs.


Pull one bud out at a time to smoke and let the bud sit for a few minutes until the alcohol evaporates. You’ll notice your bud is stickier than before. It’s also going to get you a lot more stoned than it did before the treatment.

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