Does music affect plant growth?


Sound vibrations, which is what music is made up of, do absolutely affect plant growth. So the answer is YES!


Let’s consider the work of Dr. Tom Carlson. A pioneer in his field, Carlson found the exact frequencies that worked magic on all plants.


He has an amazing story centering around his passionate belief he could easily cure world hunger.


We offer the product Sonic Bloom which is the culmination of years of his research. You can expect yield increases of 40-60% just by using Sonic Bloom as directed. The product consists of an audio CD and powdered concentrate for the foliar spray mix.


Sonic Bloom® for the World

Sonic Bloom Helping to Create a More Sustainable World Thru Horticulture

Sonic Bloom is a proprietary audio, organic nutrient plant growing process that was first developed by Dr. Dan Carlson Sr. in the early 80's to assist the Conventional & Organic Farmer, particularly with low water availability and poor soil conditions. Sonic Bloom Plant Food & Audio Boxes were then redeveloped by his Son, Dan Carlson Jr., after the turn of the century to make Sonic Bloom more Sustainable, cost-effective, and more easily shipped worldwide. When properly applied, sonic stimulation affects plant metabolism at the cellular level and increases the size and number of stomata on each leaf, resulting in a greatly increased absorption rate of moisture and nutrients - an effect that is quickly reflected in root growth, seed germination, plant growth, and yield.

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