Perfect Germination Instructions

Perfect Germination Instructions

Want to know the best possible way to pop weed seeds? How to get as near 100% germination rate as possible. This works.


This is the standard paper towel in a baggie method with NO pre-soak except you’ll be using 1% Hydrogen Peroxide water instead of plain water. Use bottled water not tap.


Using a 25 ml beaker, fill to 8ml with 3% H2O2 and then add water up to the 25ml mark. (1 part 3% H2O2 to 2 parts water (3/3) = 1% Hydrogen Peroxide).


Let it sit for about 5 min, then add it to the paper towel that you’ve already placed inside the baggie. Pour off any excess.


Next add the seeds and don’t forget to label each seed on the baggie. Simple masking tape makes a nice label.


Blow some air into the baggy (your CO2 breath), seal it and place it on top of your veg grow tent or other warm area if not using tents. Some seeds will not pop without warmth, others will pop at room temp, but they all pop at warm temps so make sure not to skip this.


Leave the baggie undisturbed for at least 48hrs. Some seeds take longer.

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